Objective Australia Intensely Proud of Youth America’s Cup Performance Two very solid results for Objective Australia Equipment failures continue to halt Objective Australia’s progress in Red Bull Youth America’s Cup Tough first day for Objective Australia Competing in the inaugural Red Bull Youth America’s Cup Red Bull Youth America's Cup A Few Weeks To Go Objective Australia committed to Red Bull Youth America’s Cup Campaign Objective Australia selected to represent Australia at the Red Bull Youth America's Cup Objective Corporation CEO Supports Australia's First Youth America's Cup Team CONTACT7 Days and Counting - an update from Objective Australia competing in the inaugural Red Bull Youth America’s Cup
27 August 2013
“If anyone had told us just how hard the preparation for this event would be, no one would have believed them,” said Objective Australia coach Traks Gordon at the end of another gruelling day.
“All the teams here are tired all the time”, he said, “It’s going to be a battle of endurance, we have already seen some of the others beginning to flag. Thankfully our guys are sail-fit after a solid Northern Hemisphere program these past few months”.
Since arriving in early August the team has not had more than a few hours off, except to sleep.
“The boats are absolutely brutal on the sailors and the equipment”, said Skipper Jason Waterhouse. “For example, we go through a set of runner tails every four days (the runner is the rope used to support the massive wing mast and is adjusted by winch). We are only sailing two to three hours a day – even on hard sailed Grand Prix boats these would normally last at least six months, but like everything on an AC45, including the crew, they just get punished”.
This constant need for regular maintenance to keep the boats running, coupled with on-water training, daily gym sessions and detailed de-briefs means that the team’s only down time is spent taking on more calories or sleeping.
Out on the water, where it counts, things are beginning to take shape. “The first 10 days was all about learning the boats”, said Trimmer Luke Parkinson from WA. We did lots of tacks and gybes and top and bottom mark roundings, getting used to the boats and each other and sorting out the best ways to do things”.
“Now more of the boats are training together out on the water, so we have two boats setting up for speed tests and lots of mini races between all the boats out there. The reaching starts are different, that’s for sure – but epic when we all get it right!”
Traks continued... “The Objective Australia guys are doing really well out there. There are a couple of teams that are going to be hard to beat and I am confident to say we are beginning to look like one of them”. We are fit and fast now, and seem to be getting faster”.
Jason and Luke were quick to point out that “This is training though, and we have performed well especially over the past couple of days, but it’s all about how we perform in the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup”.
Clearly though, there is a growing confidence within the Objective Australia Team. This is going to be a real survival of the fittest tournament. It will be about who can perform at their best while fatigued and right now, the Objective Australia team is feeling strong.
Thanks for all the support. We will continue to update our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ObjectiveAustralia
We’re keen to get over 4,000 likes before the end of this regatta so please come and support us – you have no idea how inspiring all the little messages are.
Thanks from; Jason Waterhouse, Keiran Searle, Fang Warren, Josh McKnight, Tom Burton, Luke Parkinson, Ted Hackney, James Wierzbowski, Traks Gordon and Tony Walls.
Tony Walls and the whole Objective Australia team are available for media contact. We have lots of exciting broadcast quality footage and great action shots.